The boys and girls in Room 112 have been especially busy during the month of November. In Math, we have been working with numbers and number problems. The students have also been doing some work with the hundreds chart. In Social Studies, the class has been learning about holidays and celebrations that are celebrated here in Canada and around the world. Most recently, they have also been working on individual research projects too. In Science, the grade two's have continued learning about animals and their environments. They will be finishing up this unit and starting one related to Air and Water in the Environment by focusing on Weather. Finally, the class is very excited this season as they team up with Miss. Wu's grade two class in practising and performing the song Winter Wonderland for our annual Holiday Sing Along Assembly. Finally, the boys and girls in Room 112 have been learning about empathy and caring for others in our community. As a group, we decided to collect canned goods and dry food items to donate to a local shelter. We are very proud of the hard work and generosity of our class and their families. Thank you so much!
Season's Greetings and Happy New Year from Room 112!
Monday, November 29, 2010
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Welcome Back to School !!
Welcome Back to School! The boys and girls in Room 112 have had a busy month this September. In Math, they started the term learning about graphs and data management. In Language Arts, the class has read many books together and on their own. They also the the opportunity to compare a book and a version found on DVD for Media Literacy. As well, the grade twos in Miss Mishos' class have spent much time getting to know one anther. They mapped out some very good rules and have learned a number of games to enhance their spelling and math skills. We look forward to a wonderful year and appreciate your support!
Sunday, April 18, 2010
April is beautiful!

April has arrived and so have the beautiful spring days. The boys & girls in Room 112 have been very busy. In Math, the students have been working with double – digit numbers. They are learning how to add and subtract them, through an investigation of place value. In Social Studies, the class has begun studying maps and have started to create maps of places they are familiar with. Finally, the Grade 2 class continues to create very unique works of art. Most recently, the class created ‘mock’ stained glass images which will be on display during Valleyfield’s Arts Night in May. We’d also like to congratulate our March and April Character Education award recipients. Good job to Ryan, Rodger, Cameron and Mumtaz for exhibiting honesty and co-operation in our classroom environment!
Thursday, March 11, 2010
March is finally here!

March has finally arrived and as we move into the last week before March break, the boys and girls in Room 112 continue to work very hard. In Visual Arts, the students have learned about popular artists such as Andy Warhol. Mr. Warhol enjoyed using repeated images in his artwork. The class also imitated this type of artwork as well. In Math, the students identified lines of symmetry in various two dimensional shapes and pictures. They were able to show that symmetry is in nature and all around us. In addition, the grade two class has been busy working on questioning while reading books. They are currently learning how to ask different types of questions that provoke thoughtful thinking and go beyond what a book is sharing. Finally, the grade two's in Room 112 are very excited about the third term. There is much to look forward to, including the beginning of spring!
Have a wonderful March break and see you soon!
Friday, February 5, 2010
Fabulous February!
February has finally arrived and there are many things to celebrate this month. In this first week, the grade two class has discussed Groundhog Day and read many different poems and songs related to it. As well, the boys and girls in Room 112 will study other February holidays such as Chinese New Year, Valentine's Day, Black History Month, Family Day and Flag Day. In addition, the grade twos have been learning about and studying various famous artists. So far, they have imitated the artwork of Henri Matisse and Paul Klee. The beginning of 2010 has also been an opportunity for the grade twos to participate in some fundraising for Haiti through our school bake sale. We have shared and discussed what significant characteristics such as teamwork and fairness look and feel like everyday.
Friday, January 15, 2010
January Posting: Welcome 2010!
Happy New Year and welcome 2010. In the past two weeks, the grade two's in Miss. Mishos' class have been as busy as ever! In Math, they have begun a new unit studying Time through Measurement. They are focusing on the quarter past hour and quarter to. In Science, both of the grade two classes are completing their unit on Matter & Materials (Solids & Liquids). In this time, we have looked at which materials float and which materials sink. The students are also in the midst of planning and building a raft as a final in class project. Finally, the boys and girls of Room 112 are actively working on various writing assignments. As part of their Language Arts, they are learning about different fairy tales and folk tales from all over the world.
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